Overflow of Joy

Psalm 16:11 NKJV “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore

Starts on Friday, 26 April 2024 5:00 pm AND
Finishes on Sunday 28 April 2024 1:00 pm

Maroochydore Waterfront Camp and Conference Centre 42 David Low Way, Diddillibah, QLD, 4559Australia (map)


A 2-day Camp of prayer, worship, healing, deliverance and empowerment through God’s Word.

With no rush to leave, you’ll have ample time to get personalized ministry from host & guest pastors and ministers. Praise reports from last year’s event make us go on our knees in worship as we realise that God is still doing eternal work on earth today, changing lives. Don’t miss this for anything.

For your peace of mind, scroll down for additional, key information on this life-transforming event before you register



  • Camping (Recommended) - Early Bird $320 per person. Covers Food and Accommodation. Food prepared and served by resort staff. (excludes messing - simple clean up after your stay).

  • Late Registration - CUT-OFF date is Friday 5th of April and the cost is subject to the Resort’s available rooms at the time. Register early to avoid disappointment.

  • Non-Camping - Meals are charged at the resort’s standard pricing.

Camp fees are heavily subsidised to ensure no one misses the gospel because of money. This is thanks to our partners like yourselves. If not already a partner, please consider partnering today.


This is a paid event to cover your 2-night stay accommodation and food. To keep the cost low, camp fees are based on sharing apartments. As a result, during registration, you will be prompted to select a preferred room. If you have a friend that you prefer to share an apartment with, make sure you select the same room/apartment during registration (e.g. 1A and 1B).

  • Pink Impact will try to ensure your shared accommodation is with your preferred persons but will not guarantee it.

  • If you do not desire to share, on the registration link make sure you select “Single Occupancy” option from the list of rooms provided. This will be at a cost of $420 per person.


If you’retravellingg from Brisbane, you should leave early by midday to avoid traffic on Bruce Highway which is known to build up fast on Fridays. Carpooling is a smart way to travel and connect with others. Get your friend and travel together.


Generally, this is not a children’s event. This is to allow an unhindered time of focus for the duration of the camp. It is recommended that you arrange other plans regarding your children.

Alternatively, Pink Impact is looking into an option to run a parallel paid program for children close to the camp venue. This has not been finalised. Watch this space for details.


  • Thembi Ndlovu

    Director Pink Impact | Snr Pastor The Charis Church Brisbane

    Thembi co-founded The Charis Church in Brisbane with her husband Sbanga and is also the founder and director of Pink Impact.

    She is a visionary and minister of the Word with a dynamic ministry of the Holy Spirit following her. She loves the ministry of the Holy Spirit and wants to see women set free from the bondage of religion and liberated into the freedom of a New Creation in Christ Jesus.

    A rising voice in Australia and abroad, Thembi is passionate about seeing transformation in women and girls through a gospel that does not condemn but empowers, accompanied by signs and wonders.

  • Sonia Benn

    Meet Pastor Sonia Benn. She and her husband are in the pastoral team at Victory Church Brisbane. Ps Sonia is a prayerful woman and loves God’s people fearlessly! Ps Sonia has a moving testimony of a “Jesus breakthrough “in her life . Come and be encouraged as you recieve the ministry gift of Ps Sonia

  • Ruth Chai-Njino

    Meet our dynamic, prophetic worshipper, Pastor Ruth. She serves alongside her husband, Jimmy Njino as the Senior pastors of Victory Life Toowoomba.

    Ruth functions in multiple capacities including a Forerunner for Women in Business, astute lawyer, fitness instructor, music producer and author. Come and receive a refreshing from above, through the ministry gift of pastor Ruth.

  • Florence Madzivire

    Florence is a credentialed pastor and is the founder and CEO of Abundant Life Academy and trains many believers how to break free from limitations and fulfil their life purpose. She is a passionate Holy Spirit led dynamic speaker. Her passion is to see every believer walking a victorious Christian life and fulfilling their life assignments on this earth. Florence also founded Explore Ministries, an interdenominational ministry that has helped and equipped hundreds of women on how to find, f ollow and fulfil their life purpose.